суббота, 5 сентября 2015 г.

Dnscache Parameters

If you find after a period of time that your browser seems sluggish with the DNS Client service enabled you can manually flush the DNS cache
Close all browser windows ... open a "Command Prompt" from the Start Menu > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt
(type) ipconfig /flushdns (press Enter) Then close the Command Prompt ...

A better Win7/Vista/XP workaround would be to add two Registry entries to control the amount of time the DNS cache is saved. (KB318803)
  • Flush the existing DNS cache (see above)
  • Start > Run (type) regedit
  • Navigate to the following location:
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Dnscache\Parameters
  • Click Edit > New > DWORD Value (type) MaxCacheTtl
  • Click Edit > New > DWORD Value (type) MaxNegativeCacheTtl
  • Next right-click on the MaxCacheTtl entry (right pane) and select: Modify and change the value to 1
  • The MaxNegativeCacheTtl entry should already have a value of 0 (leave it that way - see screenshot)
  • Close Regedit and reboot ...
  • As usual you should always backup your Registry before editing ... see Regedit Help under "Exporting Registry files"

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